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Welcome to the DLR Director's Corner!

Ericka Boone
Dr. Ericka Boone

As the Director of the Division of Loan Repayment (DLR), I am passionate about the NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs) and outreach to increase knowledge of and participation in the LRPs.  I am excited to use the Director’s Corner as a platform to discuss all things related to the NIH LRPs, hot topics in scientific workforce development, NIH funding mechanisms, and more! 

The NIH LRPs, established by Congress, represent a vital component of our Nation’s efforts to recruit and keep highly qualified health professionals in active biomedical and biobehavioral research careers. As many of you can well attest, the escalating costs of advanced education and training are forcing some investigators to abandon their research careers (often highly demanding and lower paying) for more lucrative private sector careers.  By repaying qualifying student loan debt, the NIH LRPs are helping to stem the loss of research innovation and are enabling investigators – many in the early stages of their careers – to pursue research careers whose outcomes have the potential to significantly benefit public health across the world!

Each year, approximately 1,500 scientists benefit from the $70 million that NIH invests in the five extramural LRPs.  I hope that you too will take advantage of the tremendous benefits of LRPs and help us spread the word to other promising researchers!  Take a moment to review the NIH LRP website for resources on the programs, contact information for NIH LRP Program Officers (they can explain research and funding priorities at their Institute and Center), and to learn more about the LRP Ambassador Program. Also, stay connected with us on Facebook and Twitter  and sign up for updates from the Director’s Corner.

I’m excited to go on the LRP journey with you!  If there is anything that my office can do to assist you, please let us know.

Ericka Boone, PhD
Division of Loan Repayment

Authored By
Ericka Boone